i'm a ux ui designer
& a problem solver
based in zurich.
📌 Currently available for new opportunities.
Why hire me?
Selected projects
Experimenting and creating innovations for the Swiss automotive industry.
MAN Driver App.
Improving the truck driver's experience and life with innovative and smart solutions.
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Other projects
Design process
How can I help you?
My approach varies depending on the needs of the project.
Here are some of the methods that I employ in my recent works.
Lean UX strategy
As the first stage of any project, its objective is to have an excellent understanding of the problems we’re facing and a clear strategy for the development of an optimal digital solution.
Information Architecture
With a clear plan in place, I'll map out user journeys and task flows. Linking all user interactions to screens, these diagrams will determine navigation scenarios, choices and outcomes before diving into the design, and lay the foundations for the final product.
User Research
I use qualitative research and quantitative research to build actionable Personas that condense understanding into simple, testable ideas.
Competitive analysis
I aim to uncover how your product compares with the competition. Is there a gap in their feature sets that you can fill? What are your strengths and failures in conversion, onboarding, retention, and user interface?
Sketching & Wireframing
I really enjoy the process of sketching out ideas for products – it’s the quickest way to develop concepts and get them to a stage where you can test layout, messaging and screenflow.
I test interactions, messaging and user understanding with everything from a sketched screen-flow to a full-blown pixel-perfect mockup – before anyone needs to write a single line of code.
Usability testing
Testing your product is key to its success, and we can host testing sessions throughout the design stage to evaluate everything from visual concepts to task flow usability.
Final touch
The last step of the work is to recheck the whole project again before moving on the developers. Once up to collaborate with the Front-end developers to deliver to them all the necessary for the final planning.
Enjoy the product.
Work experience
Creative space
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